Moving Companies in Ellenboro, NC
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The Best Moving Companies in Ellenboro, NC
- Address:
- 1562 US-74 BUS, Ellenboro, NC 28040
- Phone:
- +1 828-245-7108
- Hours:
- Monday8AM–6PM
Abreainn Faith Terry says, "Always helpful and very nice. I highly recommend storing your things here."View more
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1. How Can I Go To The Nearest Cheap Mover in Ellenboro, NC?
Click on the "check map" icon on this page to pinpoint the best movers through NearbyMovers close to you in Ellenboro, NC.2. What Is the Best Cheap Mover in Ellenboro, NC?
It's Ellenboro Self Storage Center which has 4.3 stars out of 5 from 15 reviews. Below is a customer comment about it.
"Would not recommend, Ricky is creepy, couldn’t even go to unit without him flying down there ask me again and again can I help you and then sit there and watch me basically the whole time were I got to were I didn’t even want to go there cause of him. I go to storage unit another time to find a different lock on it come find out that he put a lock on it because he said that I forgot to put my lock on it, so he said he put one on it and I was never allow access after that. On the 6 th of Dec rickie text me said he was selling unit on the 11th of Dec . No certified letter came and no ad in newspaper that I can find… on the 15 th of Dec is when I seen the messege from rickie I asked to see the certified letter he sent and what newspaper advertised on and to this day no response. Rickie is shady and creepy WOULD NOT EVER RENT FROM THAT PLACE AGAIN"3. Do Local Movers in Ellenboro, NC Offer Trans-City Moving Services?
Sure, NearbyMovers will find moving service providers as you like. Call (888) 228-3922 for any questions.4. How Much Will It Cost Me If I Turn To Local Movers in Ellenboro, NC?
Don't worry about the cost. Please use our moving cost calculator from here.5. How to Choose the Most Suitable Cheap Mover in Ellenboro, NC?
NearbyMovers has presented moving service providers in Ellenboro, NC. Make sure you compare those moving companies before moving on.
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